Monday, January 29, 2024

Old ACNL Screenshots!

 Hello my dear friends!

It has been a while, and unfortunately I am swamped with a whole assortment of university assignments but I am here today to share some of my old ACNL screenshots that I retrieved today. They were buried deep on an Instagram account I had when I was 12, and yes that is full of it’s own embarrassments (I privated that account long ago) but it had some of my most amazing Animal Crossing memories immortalised! 

Before it was a terrible personal dump, that Instagram account was an ACNL account and I never took the posts down. Even after I switched the theme of the account, I continued to share ACNL (and eventually HHD) content for the whole 2 years I used it! Since online services are shutting down in little over 6 weeks and a lot of these glitches aren’t even possible anymore these feel more like archival photos than normal video game screenshots. I hope they also make you remember good times. :)

 This first one’s here just for yucks.