Thursday, May 25, 2023

I've totally neglected Animal Crossing..

 I have not found myself THIS caught up in my work in a long time, but I've been so busy trying to get good grades @ college that I didn't get to play Animal Crossing for over 2 whole months. The whole time I've been wondering why I feel so odd, and I realize it was probably because AC is important in my life and I've been ignoring the fact I use AC to destress from the real world and have instead been studying myself into insanity. Whatever. At least I realized it now.

In 3 weeks I am done with college forever, and will start Uni in September! But for now, here is Sherb's theme park home in HHP:

He wanted this super cute theme park-styled home, and  I was happy to stick to the theme recommended, going for a cutesy yellow-pink style park full of fun things like candyfloss machines and Ferris wheels - even a climbing wall was included, as a tribute to the climbing wall featured at the activity center for kids in my hometown. Overall was a very pleasant build, and the first time I had ever used the bunny day wall for something. I think it fits quite nicely, personally.

I hope I'll get the chance to design some more homes soon, and resume posting on youtube about it even though nobody cares but me... but for now I think I must return to my studies... such a shame. 
(Although due to tumblrs amazing queue I am able to maintain a frequent schedule of posts over on animalcrossing-blogg , which helps with the feeling of not being able to dedicate the time I would like to Animal Crossing).

Anyways, thats all for now. I hope to be back soon but in the meantime I will keep you all in my thoughts and I hope you're happy. <3