Friday, March 10, 2023

Pocket Camp: Road to Lv. 200

Ive been having a particularly hard time doing much of anything recently, and to my disappointment blogging is not exempt from this. But Ive made sure to stay on the Pocket Camp grind as I head towards my stretch goal of Lv 200. Ive got a metric fuck ton of calling cards and request cards so I'll use those eventually to bump myself up a number of levels quickly, plus I also have a large volume of snacks for those villagers I do call over.

Im basically trying to finesse the system by levelling up villagers to around level 10, when the friendship points required to do the levelling are lower, and then moving on to the next villager - maximising the number of points I gain towards a level up. Im swiftly running out of new villagers to bump up to level 10 but I don't have all villagers unlocked, so soon I will need to work out a way to hoard essence and Ill then be able to trek the villager maps Ive got at the moment. Plus there are villager maps I havn't even gotten yet from Gulliver. Once I hit Level 200 Im not quite sure what my next goal will be; I already have virtually every non-exclusive furniture item so thats not much of a worthwhile goal. Ill work it out.
Theres a fishing tourney that begins on Sunday if I recall correctly, and despite the repetitive nature of Pocket Camp events I always enjoy a good fishing tourney. I typically will buy the golden rod to double my catches, as Im not online often enough to reasonably get all the rewards without the double catches and I intend to do that this time around if I do end up participating. To be honest, I haven't even done a fishing tourney in forever because of my own problems, so while Im hoping that for this tourney I'll be around at least a little bit it really just depends on where my head's at in two days' time - something I couldn't even hazard a guess at.

Idk. its hard to write and I don't really know what I'm saying right now, so Im going to wander off into oblivion until the next time something vaguely Animal Crossing-related prompts me to unload my soul onto this niche corner of the internet. See yall soon - if you're reading this stay well so that those around you may be well too.

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