Sunday, February 12, 2023

New Leaf Progress - Mallory owes me.

Today I spent a while tending to Bermuda (NL) since it had been a decent moment since I took the time to do general maintenance and make at least the tiniest amount of progress.

As I got to town hall i was relieved to see Maples house still there as it's one of my favourite areas of town right now, and when I went to go talk to her she invited me round, so I got to spend some time with Maple and take cute photos. It was nice to spend time with the villagers even now a decade after the game debuted. 

After seeing Maple I took a wonder on up to Main Street and paid off my loan, which was a hefty 498,000 bells - the most depressing thing about it was the fact that I still have no less than seven loans to pay off, all similar if not higher in price. Im gonna need to do some serious island bug grinding if I ever want to get my house legitimately paid off and fully expanded so I may design it to my hearts content.

On my way to Main Street I walked past my field of pink carnations, which Ive been cultivating for a while as I need literally hundreds in order to complete my down, and I was pretty horrified to see Mallory decided to move right in the middle of my flower field. I should have known better from not logging in for such a long time but unfortunately I only have one brain cell and it wasn't working when I let myself log on and have a 2 month time skip. Lesson learnt.

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