Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bermuda NH Progress - Anxiety and Cooking DIYs [23.02.23]

 I took a week or so away from town to try and sort out my real life, which didn't really work I mostly just played Pocket Camp instead. BUT today I checked back in on my town and actually made worthwhile progress towards 100% completion.

I started todays session by immediately complaining about how the snow is still here. Traditionally winter was always the season I played the least simply for the fact that it bored me. Nothing could pique my interest enough to make me play in December or January, especially given that I first played during Wild World which notoriously had no seasonal holidays. As for February ? I just don't like Festivale. Or Pavé. Anyways, I was made aware the snow melts in only 48 hours and I was pretty thankful to hear that. I moved on to talking to all my villagers and as soon as I got to Wolfgangs house he gave me a recipe for something I actually hadn't learnt yet, bringing my recipe catalog up to 894 out of 922. I only have a handful of crafting DIYs to get now so I was pretty thankful for Wolfgangs help.

After this Wade invited me over to his house, and we played a game of cards that I lost and then chatted about his kitchen; but when I went to leave he thanked me for visiting by giving me my favourite song in the game - "Stale Cupcakes" !! I wanted to see why that might be and found out that it was actually his favourite song too. Wades been my top pal since day one of Bermuda and he's never left my side so it just felt all the nicer that out of all the songs in ACNH we had the same favourite.

After my socialising I caught a dung beetle which I actually hadn't done yet (like I said, I dont play during winter) and donated it, got my coffee from Brewster and then finally completed a Nook Miles goal of carrying out requests for villagers. 
In my real life I had a hard day today, and I found myself misremembering many events which set off my anxiety massively. However I was in luck because I just got back home today as well which meant I was able to take some time on my lovely pink paradise to try and soothe my soul. I cant lie.. it's 3 AM right now and I have this icky feeling of anxiety due to my shitty memory, but even just writing about Bermuda NH softens the edges of my late night nerves. Im going to try to find Bluebear since I didn't see him today and maybe then Ill lie down, but I must say Im pretty awake. 
Love and goodnight to whoever sees this. (:

Sunday, February 19, 2023

My Amiibos - Mostly s5 [as of 19.02.23]

Amiibos, for all the hassle they are to get a hold of, are so much fun for me to collect. I greatly appreciate that Nintendo knows the Animal Crossing community well enough to know that we would fork out hundreds just to complete our collections of these silly little villagers. 

I don't have many Amiibos, however as I get older I not only become increasingly able to afford this Animal Crossing gold but more and more intense in my desire to scour every corner of the internet looking for the best deal I can in my plan to collect them all. Since Nintendo dropped season 5 of the AC Amiibos theres been a revival of these cards and so today I just want to outline all the cards I have at the moment, in the hopes that next time I talk of them on here I may have more.

Official Amiibos 

I have 20 official Amiibo cards - 2 from my Happy Home Designer physical copy in 2015 ( Original HHD copies in the UK included 3 Amiibos as a gift ) and 18 from the Series 5 release with 2 of them being doubles, and they go as follows:

Series 3
- #204, Pelly 
- #286, Cube
(The 3rd 2015 Amiibo was Friga who has been lost to time sadly)

Series 5
- #406, Blathers
- #409, Sable
- #411, K.K. Slider
- #416, Saharah
- #418, Gulliver
- #423, Tom Nook
- #427, Dom
- #428, Audio
- #430, Judy
- #433, Sasha (x2)
- #434, Ione
- #439, Cephalobot
- #443, Ace
- #445, Frett (x2)
- #447, Roswell

Un-Official Amiibos 

My fake Amiibos are a small section of this post, but important nonetheless as any moderately informed Animal Crossing player could tell you that those badboys with the official Nintendo seal on them are so hard to get a hold of that most Animal Crossing players are best going to Etsy or similar sites for homemade NFC cards or 'coins'. When it came to the Sanrio update of New Horizons I already had the WA ACNL update lodged in my mind from 6 years prior, and so was smart enough to buy some Sanrio coins as soon as I was able to. I bought all 6 of the Sanrio villagers: 

- s1, Rilla (Hello Kitty)
- s2, Marty (PomPomPurin)
- s3, Etoile (Kiki and Lala), my personal favourite of these villagers!
- s4, Chai (Cinnamoroll)
- s5, Chelsea (My Melody - my favourite Sanrio character)
- s6, Toby (KeroKeroKeropi)

As for the other three cards pictured - those are actually the property of my partner and are his favourite characters, but since I'm the religious Animal Crossing lover between the two of us it seems appropriate that I include these too.
- #28, Raddle
- #46, Dobie
- #289, Boomer

Un-pictured Amiibos (Honourable mentions)

Not included in the above photos are my two Amiibo figures - Isabelle (who has in the past 5 years lost her bun RIP) and her twin Digby. I acquired these to from Amiibo Festival - mandatory UGH - and they have served me fantastically. I also used to own Blathers but he was lost in a move around 6 years ago. I hope to increase my Amiibo figure collection soon as they tend to be better value for money than the cards.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

New Leaf Progress - Mallory owes me.

Today I spent a while tending to Bermuda (NL) since it had been a decent moment since I took the time to do general maintenance and make at least the tiniest amount of progress.

As I got to town hall i was relieved to see Maples house still there as it's one of my favourite areas of town right now, and when I went to go talk to her she invited me round, so I got to spend some time with Maple and take cute photos. It was nice to spend time with the villagers even now a decade after the game debuted. 

After seeing Maple I took a wonder on up to Main Street and paid off my loan, which was a hefty 498,000 bells - the most depressing thing about it was the fact that I still have no less than seven loans to pay off, all similar if not higher in price. Im gonna need to do some serious island bug grinding if I ever want to get my house legitimately paid off and fully expanded so I may design it to my hearts content.

On my way to Main Street I walked past my field of pink carnations, which Ive been cultivating for a while as I need literally hundreds in order to complete my down, and I was pretty horrified to see Mallory decided to move right in the middle of my flower field. I should have known better from not logging in for such a long time but unfortunately I only have one brain cell and it wasn't working when I let myself log on and have a 2 month time skip. Lesson learnt.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Slow progress - New Horizons

I've been having a really hard time getting things done recently, but the journey towards 100%ing ACNH continues on.

Ive been working on filling out some nooke and crannies (haha) around my town, and just general tidying. Ive only got a handful of DIYs left to collect, but I have so many clothes to do. Not to mention I lost my catalog app data so I just dont know how far I have to go and now have to totally recalculate my progress. Its whatever though - heres a house I designed in HHP. (: