Thursday, January 26, 2023

Monday and an early morning in Animal Crossing

Well today I managed to wake up at 5:50 AM with the Festivale song - specifically the New Leaf variation- in my head. That didnt mean my morning was necessarily off to a good start because I actually don't like Festivale. Dont get me wrong, theres a level of appreciation to be had for what Festivale offers; feathers, furniture and a chance to marvel at Pavé but it just never really struck a chord with me. That may be a product of my 7 years or so of the notably anti-holiday Wild World, but regardless of that my involuntary reminder that festival and celebration are impending has sprung me into action to consider what I want to get done in each of the games at the moment.

I currently am actively working on 2 New Horizons islands, those being Bermuda and a recent addition called Amaretto, as well as my Pocket Camp Road to Lv. 200 campaign that I am on right now. I have lately been craving some New Leaf or Wild World but cannot factor these into my plan as my DS charger is currently M.I.A, not to mention that even if I did have a DS charger my schedule is chocka block with coursework right now. I honestly even think the current amount of time I invest in AC may be against my best interests :'). oh well.

New Horizons - Bermuda 25/01/23 

I had not performed any general maintenance tasks on Bermuda in a few weeks now, so yesterday I took to clearing the island of non pink flowers and overgrown weeds. It was a bit of a pain in the ass given my constant lack of shovels but I got it done and ended up selling the flowers as nobody on Nookazon took me up on a trade for them. I will typically hold onto items if they don't sell right away but I just had too many flowers for the minimal amount of free space I have to begin with.
To round my short playtime yesterday off I had Wade come to visit my house as a surprise. I was a big fan of this... Wade is my 4 lifer. He's been a Bermudan resident since the very beginning and he's just such a friendly guy, I could never make him leave.
I recently took down my diner in the bottom right clearing in Bermuda, below the villagers district but this was only intended to be a temporary measure and I will eventually get back round to putting the diner back.

Pocket Camp - 26/01/23

I started the day off strong with a quick check in before the 6AM rollover of the final requests I didnt complete yesterday, including a Request Ticket I would have otherwise missed out on! I then used all of my regular snacks for villagers on the group I had the lowest friendship with, calling them all to my camp and then using around 300 snacks to jump 7 levels in 20 minutes (:. 

I also opened a few gifts from friends so my gift storage didn't fill up which gave me 2 fortune cookies and consequently I got 2 new 3 star cookie items I had never received before; a Glowing Mush umbrella and a Fortune-Tellers Lamp.
I've worked my way up to Lv. 127 today but I'm not sure if I'll go much further today because I don't want to burn through all my resources in an instant. I think soon I will instead momentarily shift my focus to my fortune cookie collection and a possible giant haul :)))). I could however shift to love level villagers whose favourite snacks I have stocked up, since this mornings grinding only used generic snacks.

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