Thursday, January 26, 2023

Monday and an early morning in Animal Crossing

Well today I managed to wake up at 5:50 AM with the Festivale song - specifically the New Leaf variation- in my head. That didnt mean my morning was necessarily off to a good start because I actually don't like Festivale. Dont get me wrong, theres a level of appreciation to be had for what Festivale offers; feathers, furniture and a chance to marvel at Pavé but it just never really struck a chord with me. That may be a product of my 7 years or so of the notably anti-holiday Wild World, but regardless of that my involuntary reminder that festival and celebration are impending has sprung me into action to consider what I want to get done in each of the games at the moment.

I currently am actively working on 2 New Horizons islands, those being Bermuda and a recent addition called Amaretto, as well as my Pocket Camp Road to Lv. 200 campaign that I am on right now. I have lately been craving some New Leaf or Wild World but cannot factor these into my plan as my DS charger is currently M.I.A, not to mention that even if I did have a DS charger my schedule is chocka block with coursework right now. I honestly even think the current amount of time I invest in AC may be against my best interests :'). oh well.

New Horizons - Bermuda 25/01/23 

I had not performed any general maintenance tasks on Bermuda in a few weeks now, so yesterday I took to clearing the island of non pink flowers and overgrown weeds. It was a bit of a pain in the ass given my constant lack of shovels but I got it done and ended up selling the flowers as nobody on Nookazon took me up on a trade for them. I will typically hold onto items if they don't sell right away but I just had too many flowers for the minimal amount of free space I have to begin with.
To round my short playtime yesterday off I had Wade come to visit my house as a surprise. I was a big fan of this... Wade is my 4 lifer. He's been a Bermudan resident since the very beginning and he's just such a friendly guy, I could never make him leave.
I recently took down my diner in the bottom right clearing in Bermuda, below the villagers district but this was only intended to be a temporary measure and I will eventually get back round to putting the diner back.

Pocket Camp - 26/01/23

I started the day off strong with a quick check in before the 6AM rollover of the final requests I didnt complete yesterday, including a Request Ticket I would have otherwise missed out on! I then used all of my regular snacks for villagers on the group I had the lowest friendship with, calling them all to my camp and then using around 300 snacks to jump 7 levels in 20 minutes (:. 

I also opened a few gifts from friends so my gift storage didn't fill up which gave me 2 fortune cookies and consequently I got 2 new 3 star cookie items I had never received before; a Glowing Mush umbrella and a Fortune-Tellers Lamp.
I've worked my way up to Lv. 127 today but I'm not sure if I'll go much further today because I don't want to burn through all my resources in an instant. I think soon I will instead momentarily shift my focus to my fortune cookie collection and a possible giant haul :)))). I could however shift to love level villagers whose favourite snacks I have stocked up, since this mornings grinding only used generic snacks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Pocket Camp - Road to Lv. 200

 I've been back on the Pocket Camp grind in the days since New Year's, trying to bump up my level mostly. Ive had the benefit of many many saved treats from Gulliver journeys so I went ahead and gave 20 of the gold treats to Mint, bumping her up 500 points to level 20 !! .

I would be pleased if over possibly the next few months I could get my level up to 200, but until then Ill keep treating my villager friends. I have also saved up 25-ish cookies that I want to open sometime soon, but not until I have done a few more Gulliver trips.

I am also acutely aware that at the end of next month I will have the task of prepping my towns, island and camp for the coming Spring. This task will be easier on New Horizons compared to Pocket Camp, which is presenting me with certain creative challenges due to my lack of RLC collectibles.