Monday, January 29, 2024

Old ACNL Screenshots!

 Hello my dear friends!

It has been a while, and unfortunately I am swamped with a whole assortment of university assignments but I am here today to share some of my old ACNL screenshots that I retrieved today. They were buried deep on an Instagram account I had when I was 12, and yes that is full of it’s own embarrassments (I privated that account long ago) but it had some of my most amazing Animal Crossing memories immortalised! 

Before it was a terrible personal dump, that Instagram account was an ACNL account and I never took the posts down. Even after I switched the theme of the account, I continued to share ACNL (and eventually HHD) content for the whole 2 years I used it! Since online services are shutting down in little over 6 weeks and a lot of these glitches aren’t even possible anymore these feel more like archival photos than normal video game screenshots. I hope they also make you remember good times. :)

 This first one’s here just for yucks.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

A late August update (:

 Blogging has not come easy these recent months as my life has been pretty bad, although there have also been highlights. Since last August Ive been stuck in an awkward housing situation at the moment that one might define as 'homelessness' but I move house next month, so that's the light at the end of that tunnel.

I finished college too and I came out with two wonderful A's and a B to round out my university application - which was successful !! I also begin next month. Hopefully, these positive changes will mark a new era for my life. I would really like it if this new era of my life could include time for me to be able to take Animal Crossing more seriously, but I've admittedly been squeezing in the time to pay Animal Crossing even when Im at my most stressed.

Bermuda NH is so close to being finished now. Like actually done. All the nooks and crannies (har har) are being filled in with furniture and pink flowers and when you walk around it looks like the beautiful pink haven I had dreamed of 3 years ago. I still need to finish Shols house and I'd like to build a 3rd house on the island in a space near the museum that I had left clear but other than that... there's not much more for me to do in terms of development. At this point its all going to be me trying to complete Nook Miles Goals and my DIY collection, which is roughly 94% done right now. The big things Im missing from that are golden tools and HHP recipes. It feels crazy to be at this stage of complete-ness with my island but rest easy I will keep finding reasons to play many more hours of Animal Crossing yet. For today that's going to be finding a replacement for Kid-Cat who just moved out.

If you want to find me somewhere where I have more time to be active, TBT is the best place to do that. I can be found here (: With that, I'll go have a nice day and maybe Ill update folks if I secure a good villager !

Saturday, June 3, 2023

A perfect town? ...Somehow I did it!

Welp... as it turns out, when Animal Crossing is your entire life and you neglect to play it for MONTHS because of school, you're likely to go insane. And better yet, when you start playing it again because you realize you're driving yourself up the wall you're likely to start feeling much better.

I thought I could get away with prioritizing my education by 100% removing myself from Animal Crossing - mostly because I had the foresight to know I would absolutely play Animal Crossing instead of working - BUT,  I have now come to the conclusion that there must be a healthy balance of AC and work.... lest I start kicking and screaming over weeds consuming my town again. My most recent method of executing this plan has been devoting myself to my New Leaf town. Its the most portable and convenient version of the game, plus I am of the view that the New Leaf hourly themes are some of the best (behind Wild World), and I honestly think my New Leaf focus is correctly placed. I've made some wonderful progress towards completing Bermuda NL, and had some pleasant surprises in town too!!!

The work I've recently been putting towards Bermuda's development has felt really good and now when I walk around town I can really feel it all coming together! There are pink flowers in beautiful patterns lining the whole town and all of its buildings, complemented by trees of all kinds and bushes in every variety excluding holly bushes. I've been making a point of talking to all of my lovely Bermudan neighbors, who I must admit I neglect at times, and I've not been disappointed.

Amongst the projects that Bermuda has benefitted from are the lighthouse, campsite, police station, and Brewsters Cafe. They've all added so much flair and life to the town, and I think this goes hand in hand with the fact that for this town specifically, I chose NOT to have all of the houses placed in a residential area and instead chose to let the houses be spread through the town. It gives it the vibe of a small village with a lively and loving population! And apparently, all of my villagers feel that way too because as I was deciding what to put in the space along my southern cliff face when I noticed the bright white of a beautiful lily of the valley! My first ever NL Bermudan lily of the valley was a total surprise to me, especially considering that the last time I checked with Isabelle a few days ago she told me that folks thought the town was too messy and 'like a garbage dump'. Ouch.  I cleaned up the gardening supplies however, and seemingly thats all it took to have the perfect town - so now I live in a town that not only feels beautiful but IS beautiful! 

I'm pleased to know that all of my hard work has paid off, but now I need to decide where to put the flowers. I do have a little fenced area across the bridge by my house, but thats only enough space for 6 of these stunning little plants... guess I'll have to work that out later.

I'm going to end this post here as I am busy writing coursework (and another post about the Animal Crossing film released yesterday 'Mask' :p) - So Im going wish you all well and love you and leave you! <3

Thursday, May 25, 2023

I've totally neglected Animal Crossing..

 I have not found myself THIS caught up in my work in a long time, but I've been so busy trying to get good grades @ college that I didn't get to play Animal Crossing for over 2 whole months. The whole time I've been wondering why I feel so odd, and I realize it was probably because AC is important in my life and I've been ignoring the fact I use AC to destress from the real world and have instead been studying myself into insanity. Whatever. At least I realized it now.

In 3 weeks I am done with college forever, and will start Uni in September! But for now, here is Sherb's theme park home in HHP:

He wanted this super cute theme park-styled home, and  I was happy to stick to the theme recommended, going for a cutesy yellow-pink style park full of fun things like candyfloss machines and Ferris wheels - even a climbing wall was included, as a tribute to the climbing wall featured at the activity center for kids in my hometown. Overall was a very pleasant build, and the first time I had ever used the bunny day wall for something. I think it fits quite nicely, personally.

I hope I'll get the chance to design some more homes soon, and resume posting on youtube about it even though nobody cares but me... but for now I think I must return to my studies... such a shame. 
(Although due to tumblrs amazing queue I am able to maintain a frequent schedule of posts over on animalcrossing-blogg , which helps with the feeling of not being able to dedicate the time I would like to Animal Crossing).

Anyways, thats all for now. I hope to be back soon but in the meantime I will keep you all in my thoughts and I hope you're happy. <3